The Value of Beauty

Laughter. Joy. Do prices or values come to mind? When I think "i-Pod" a price soon pops into my head. The joy that I experience when a song on my i-Pod thrills me or moves me to cry is invaluable. Can't buy it. Can only experience it.
What if I do something that puts me into turmoil? I chose to move to Cleveland, OH. It has been an amazing time. So much experience in such a short span. I gave up the comforts of my old life to grow. Was the move worth it? I have felt joy, love, sadness, anger, fear, humility and physical life, to name a few. This experience is that of the Creator, of choosing to live and to let go of control. It's why I'm here. And it's been beautiful.
So you tell me. What's beauty worth to you? I invite you to comment now.