Nature Speaking
This evening changed my mind about ghosts. Apparently they can hang in the sky, and don’t just inhabit the earthly regions. I saw several clouds that reminded me of spirit, and that perhaps spirits can now exist separately and on their own wavelength as such. What cannot be known is if they communicate, though to look at the sky this night, to see their coordination of color and design, I can only imagine they do.
The tree kingdom stood still and upright to pledge agreement to the thoughts committed from the spirit clouds. It was as if they simply said “Yes.” What else would a tree be saying? All Creation simply has a “yes” to share. It is shared regardless of situation, regardless if the Human Angel says “No, because...” and casts down its self-judgment upon Nature, for which Nature needs no recourse or equal thought.
Though wind and snow create a harsh environment for we humans in the winter, the elements are merely the function of our own creation. They are the result, perhaps, of judgments we make, but are not the result of Nature as judge. Nature only keeps One Law. That law has no judgement, but only an honest answer, and the only question, the only question that exists is “Are you One with The Creator?” Nature announces with deep silence, a hoot from Great Horned Owl, more silence, Turkey gobbling and more silence. And if you hear it, you have heard Nature whispering.