Cereal and Silk
I'm writing this over a bowl of spoon-sized shredded wheat, so pardon my crunching. It's kind of a fun way to write, actually. I'm not so lost in thought that I'm not noticing what a lovely light is coming through the windows today. Taking my attention to something in the room besides the computer screen creates a whole new affect. My enjoyment of the cereal in my mouth is not the same, though, if I'm thinking about what I'm writing. Eating takes a backseat to thinking in the pecking order of where to place my attention. That's probably true of most things for me: thinking gets a bigger share of my focus than walking, or breathing, or being.
Sitting in this room, the northwest corner of this house, the light from two windows is soft, and it completes the room so nicely I just want to sit and look around. This reminds me of something that I can't quite put words to, though they are coming. Childhood.
As a kid, did you ever just wander around and notice light, notice the beauty it created? Did you experience the quiet, or the noise, but either way you just experienced? It was like that for me when I noticed the cereal sitting before me, in its place in the bowl. And perhaps this feeling is something else.
Perhaps it's the angelic presence, the energy of angels and God glowing all around. I invited angels in, invited God in, to make this a spiritually connected day. Whatever the case, it felt soft and lovely. I'm going to end this before it becomes too mental and wordy, as it may have already become. Thanks, friend, I hope you have a great and connected day.
Sitting in this room, the northwest corner of this house, the light from two windows is soft, and it completes the room so nicely I just want to sit and look around. This reminds me of something that I can't quite put words to, though they are coming. Childhood.
As a kid, did you ever just wander around and notice light, notice the beauty it created? Did you experience the quiet, or the noise, but either way you just experienced? It was like that for me when I noticed the cereal sitting before me, in its place in the bowl. And perhaps this feeling is something else.
Perhaps it's the angelic presence, the energy of angels and God glowing all around. I invited angels in, invited God in, to make this a spiritually connected day. Whatever the case, it felt soft and lovely. I'm going to end this before it becomes too mental and wordy, as it may have already become. Thanks, friend, I hope you have a great and connected day.