It's Stopped for a Moment
The great sand dunes of Great Sand Dune National Park are always moving. Humanly speaking, once one starts moving all the time, once we get used to our own change, the change we cause, it's hard to stop. Change becomes the constant. We delve so deeply into the things we choose. We love it, hate it, it is who we become.
To settle.
To create a dune, the illusion is that of settled. The sand looks like it is settled, but truly, a dune is always shifting, sands on it always moving.
Pieces of stone have broken from mountains.. They've tumbled great distances. Much of the sand that has formed the dunes at Great Sand Dunes has come from the San Juan Mountains to the west. It has eroded down, changed from a mass of stone, a mountain, to become part of the dune. Once the stone has left the mountain, it will roll down stream, shaped, polished bits breaking off.
Each bit becomes tinier bits. They wash down stream, tumbling all the while and finally ending up in the valley floor. It settles for a moment, only to be moved again by the wind.
It's not necessary to settle to become part of something. There's no escaping our personal impacts in the places we settle. Yet consider the power of a kind word from a traveler to a stranger - any person can give love in any number of small ways. Your impact today on a complete stranger changes the world absolutely.