Some (Non) News

Pictured: Me, Jack the Roomie, and Ali, at Jack's going away party.
People are always asking me "So, what are you doing this winter? Got anything?" The answer, as of right now, is "It's coming." It's hard, because what I'd really like to do is hibernate! Well, maybe that's just today. I'm sure I'll have something good for me to do, something that I love. It's coming, because I'm choosing it.
The photo collage above is from the slide show/video a friend of mine and I put together for the end of season slideshow. There are many emotions that come with this lifestyle. Imagine building a community each spring and then tearing it down that fall. It's what we do in seasonal work.
This year I've had many great friends. Thanks to you all: Jacob, Pete, Tony, Ryan, Emily, Claudia, Kip, Pete, Dee, and many other coworkers and friends. But special thanks goes to my closest friends Ali, Jack, Ellyse, Brooke, Bruce and Sara and Oliver, Kita, Sherrie, Eli and Erin and Itza, and Paula, one of my few friends from off the mesa. There were so many parties, events, hikes, drives and fun times in training and work that I'm forever blessed by this amazing summer.