Mountain Story

This is about me. This is about a full version of me. This is about faith. Faith, in me, faith in the God that is in me. There is a reality which is much greater, and that reality is part of what I'm talking about...we are infinite beings. Somehow my life has become about faith in Me again, in that Me that is also God.
I have confidence in me, in the part of me that can write, that knows these talents are here to use for my enjoyment, benefit and for others as well. But it all starts with Faith in Me. I just know where to put my faith again. Faith is a tremendous power. Love, working together with faith, is unstoppable. That's how I feel when I know I'm placing my faith in Me and the God within.
It used to be faith in sex, in someone else, in music, books, whatever could give me a buzz, it used to be faith was in a God that didn't like me, that was outside me. Now I know that Faith in God is Faith in Me. And faith can move mountains, and me to the mountains.