The Question Was Asked

"An Eagle before Me" I say
Shoes placed to ground
White and gray socks
To the Stone.
Here I Am
God in front of Me
We ride the currents
Steady flapping southeast crossing
South Dakota into Iowa
Then, as summoned, We turn back
Gliding to Me sitting
On the Rock
Shoes placed on the ground
Coffee by My side
Overlooking the Big Sioux River
Resting high in My sanctuary
You fly between the Sun and Me
And Your shadow crosses over Me
Our shadows meet and We fly on
Southeast over wide silver ribbon
Swollen with Spring rain and Spring thaw
I sip coffee as You leave
Three messengers, southeast, powerfully
Striding on to appointed rounds
We complete our dance this eve
Red Tail Hawks tease, "Screeeee"
Hidden behind the trees
Black Crows "Caw Caw" exclamation
To the chill riding gray wind