Grace and Love from our Mother
Jesus is always going to be one of my heroes. One key message I got from Jesus is that there is no judgement from God. We are the ones who bring that. A Being that is Pure Love has no need of judgement, wouldn't dream of that. What you do for another, you do for yourself. To judge another is to judge your self.

Now, to be fair, not all the trash I collected did I drop in the woods. Some of it I dropped in the parking lot of the gas station. I notice I drop a ton of those cigarette cellophane wrappers off the top of my cigarette packs. Maybe even literally a ton of them. I smoke a lot. I get excited and don't think when I get my ciggies. And the wind takes this stuff right to my favorite places. My friends the trees are just trying to help. And the water, well, it is doing its part, too. They are really good at catching and holding stuff.
I also drink mucho, mucho soda and sports drinks. Beer, too. And I don't remember it. Along the lines of not remembering, apparently I drink lots of liquor in those little bottles about the size of what you get in the hotel liquor cabinet, only to drink and find out just how expensive having liquor pre-placed in one's hotel room can be!
Good on me that I thought to put a nice strong garbage bag out there the last time I was out. And apparently I have had a lot of that white foam that my TV's and ninja juicers come packed in. Not to

Wood and water, wind and wing, these are elements I need. So as I visit my friends in-swamp, I see that they love to accept me back. They say nothing about the detritus of life on Earth accumulated here, yet I know they are glad I've come back to take care of things."
Love yourself. You have Grace. You can start now. Love our Mother. She Loves you unconditionally. Mother Earth is not judging you. You Are a marvelous Creator. Love yourself and love your Mother. Have Love for yourself - you are doing the best you can in any one moment. When you judge yourself, you separate yourself from the Love that is always available for you. Forgive. Forgive others, forgive yourself. You are Forgiveness.