Breath is Life. God Breathed Life into the inanimate and made Life physical. Breathing is the Human body's connection to the Soul and Spirit that I Am. Breathing brings Spirit and energy into the body.
There's life everywhere in the Universe. God the One breathed it There. There's Life in infinite forms. Life is Infinite, and the most astonishing thing to some is that we are not alone in the Universe. We are not alone in our Galaxy, nor our star cluster, nor our solar system. Life takes many People forms, and many human forms. We are not even Alone as Humans on our planet Gaia Earth. It is logical, and there are so many stories to tell us, even from the Bible, that this is so.
Life is Ever Expanding and Contracting, infinitely pulsing. God's Grace is infinite, like Breath. When you are done breathing in this physical life, you continue breathing in the Next. And the Next. Life and Breath go On and On, which means you keep going on and on.
Marvelous, right? These are things I've wanted to say for a long time. So many things. Love has given me the wings to take off now, to say what I've wanted to say. It's time that I express what is in me, what my Soul wants, NEEDS to speak.
You are loved. You are Love. Infinite. It's what you ARE! Know it. Feel it, and breathe.