This Week at Templed Hills

It was another lovely week here at Templed Hills Camp. The dogwoods are in full bloom, and it's my first experience seeing dogwoods, knowing how lovely they can be. I'll get some pictures up soon. The air is so sweet I got sick to my stomach smelling it, just like I used to from too much candy.
This week was one of some disappointment for me as well. I was really surprised when I didn't get the job at Mt. Rushmore, not to mention sad. I thought it was my chance to work in the Black Hills, but alas there will be another time. Now I know I want to experience something like that. I will try again for jobs like that one. I'm sure there's more good around the corner, and that this one opportunity will not be the only.
Mother Nature is where it's at for me and my feeling is great things are happening for me. I feel closest to the Creator when I spend regular time in the woods or on the prairie or by water. Feeling good involves exercise, nature, listening to myself, meaningful social connection, good food and talking to my friend God, usually in the woods. These are a few important elements for me. It's great to know this stuff. I'm grateful for my life. I am blessed.


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