
It was obvious to me once I got in my car yesterday evening, that it would happen on this trip around the Mesa Top Loop. I kept watching the odometer. At one point I took pictures at 34,340 miles. I thought I would take that picture, in case I forgot about 34,343.
As I was driving out of the loop, I saw some deer. It was on a rise, at sunset, near the fourway stop. I pulled over at a turnout and got out to take some pictures. It was a magnificent view. I took the picture of my car at that point. Notice the LaPlata Mountains in the background with "purple mountains majesty." That's a bit of a family inside scoup - my brother always used to say that about the mountains in Moab when the pinkish purple light from the setting sun hit them. It was a beautiful time. As it turns out, I had stopped my car at exactly 34,343 miles. I have a picture of the odometer.
There were deer behind my car that you can't see. One of the deer was a nice sized buck. I had seen him earlier in the day with another buck, right by the fourway stop just a quarter mile away. That buck was a nice sized buck too. I started watching the deer more. The first big buck was being joined by the other. There were 10 or 15 doe out in the field behind my car as well. I watched in silence, wondering if the bucks were going to scrap and if it was the right time of year. And it was. The sound of the two racks click clacking together was the only thing to be heard
It wasn't a real aggressive fight as compared to those I've seen on television, but it may have continued later and gotten more aggressive. I got to see it, and after stopping my car at this turn-out, at mile 34,343. Synchronicity. I'm in the right spot. I'm greatful.