Good Life

This is a picture of my new friend Amy riding Slickrock outside of Moab. I met her and Pete, another new friend, on the trail and we rode together for the last half of the trail. We had lots of fun. I love this picture. It has some of my favorite things about Moab in it - the LaSal Mountains, riding the sandstone and a crisp, clear day. The ride was challenging and exhilirating, not to mention tiring.
We were riding on Friday, the second day of my weekend. I spent my weekend getting ready to go, taking care of a few bills, and washing laundry. I took off, met a couple in Monticello, UT, who were trying to hitch to Fort Collins, CO, and then on to the Great Northwest. From Seattle, or wherever, they were heading to Florida for Thanksgiving. What a trip they must be having. I gave them a ride to Moab. We stopped on the way at a sandstone arch named Wilson's Arch. Jess, the young lady, was so appreciative and so excited to see the arch, not to mention the landscape. Her joy was infectious.
I had been in a funk, but was working my way out. Meeting Mark and Jess was one of the best things that has happened to me in a while. They had little money, no tent and no transportation save the wheels others were going to provide. Jess was so excited to be sleeping outside that night, and didn't want to be close to anyone except Mark. I dropped them off at a place called Courthouse Wash just out of Moab. They were going to hike up the wash a bit and camp under the stars. I was so appreciative of the company they had provided and was greatful for the joy they exuded.
I went to a campground. I ended up sleeping under the stars that night as well. My tent was moldy from the last time I used it back in SoDak - I had put it away wet, and never got it out to dry. Oops. So I slept underneath the beautiful stars, moon and in the shadows of the LaSal Mountains, rather than get all stuffed up breathing that moldy air.
The night was cool and crisp, and my sleeping bag and clothing turned out to be not quite enough warmth, but I made it through the night just fine. I had wiped out earlier in the day, and my left hip was hurting. The ground was solid, my bedroll not quite enough cushion, and my neighbors up late. These factors led me to have plenty of time to enjoy the night from the ground. It was the most satisfying night of un-sleep I have had in a while. I was lying safe in Mother Earth's arms.
The ride was a wonderful event in my weekend. I also saw my old boss and coworker from the furniture store I helped open in Moab way back in 1998. It's been ten years since I moved there, and it will be ten years in November since I started working at the store, Knowles Home Furnishings. It was great to be back.