The Happenings:

The Happenings: I've been spending time in nature, shown here is a picture of land near Canton and Newton Hills State Park. The hill from which I took this picture is Game Fish and Parks land, and I can wander it, of course with some sort of orange on so I don't get mistaken for a deer by some confused hunter. Yesterday I almost fell asleep in the warm sunshine and prairie grasses. What a beautiful time that was for me.
I'm currently working two jobs. I've worked them both before, though neither in the same capacity. The first one is as an education assistant at Axtell Park Middle School. The new part of that is I'm a personal EA for a young man with autism. He's a neat kid, and it's really interesting experiencing what comes up for me being in the general population of kids at Axtell as opposed to being in the English Language Learners room. It's a whole different game being played in the regular classrooms, and I'm not sure I'm enjoying me in that situation right now.
The second job is at JCPenney for the holiday shopping season. I'm working as "100". That's what my position is called over the in-store radios when people need a package pickup carried to a car, when they need more bags, when someone spills soda on the floor and they need it mopped up, etc. It's a lot of running around the store, a lot of folding, refolding, re-refolding. I'm glad I have these jobs.
Today I'm going to Sioux Falls with my parents to my aunt's house for a gathering of family, and to give thanks. There is so much for which to be thankful in my life. Thank you for sharing this time of thankfulness with me.