Trip to Chaco Canyon

These are doors in Pueblo Bonito, the focal point of Chaco Canyon and Chaco Culture National Historical Park. These doorways are among the most photographed areas of Pueblo Bonito. Marvelous trip. Just the road to get to Chaco is 20 miles off US Highway 550, at least 13 of which are washboard dirt roads. I used the road as my own personal race course, and Scubie the Subie made me proud. It's definitely got a racing pedigree.
I also stopped at Aztec Ruins. This is another puebloan site and national park. It felt like home there, because they have cottonwood trees. I grew up in Corsica, SD, with a huge cottonwood in my back yard. That tree and the cottonwood in general are among my favorite trees.
Camping at Chaco was really great. It was quiet, and very cold. I thankfully had just gotten a warmer sleeping bag, or else it could have been miserable. During the night I woke up, put on my coat and went out of my tent to pee. I spent a long time just staring up into one of the darkest skies I've ever experienced and absorbed the stars.
In the morning I woke up and felt so connected to the earth that I danced and played like a little kid. That sleeping bag was worth every penny, and the trip was priceless. And I didn't even have to use a credit card. Sorry, Visa.