One Life

This was to be her 91'st birthday month, but was-to-be didn't come to be. And I am happy for her. She was a believer: that if Jesus had come to save her then who was she to ignore him. And I'm thinking they'll hang out up there, so that feels sweet to me.
One thing I'm grateful for this day is her life and what she has caused me to consider. As I rest here, I'm pet sitting. As I rest here, I'm able to get out of my head the things floating around in it. I look out to the oil road two miles or so east, I see cars and farms, trees and the miles of drifts reflecting sunlight and the power of the wind.
Wind and cold air is what this day is about. Its power is its elemental connection to me and everything. I step into it and sometimes have to lean against it to stand. Without the air, we cannot live physically, and we are not human. Therefore, I say wind is spirit, breath is spirit. Without the sun, earth and water, we have no physical life.
But that does not mean there is no life outside of dirt, wind and sunlight. I ask Grandma and I feel it in my heart, "Yes, there is life after life" or "Yes, still here in your heart" or "I'm loving it here!" She's there with Grandpa and Uncle Al, with our higher selves, with me here, with us all. That's love and true life.
Then if the wind is not true life, what is? If dirt is not God, what is? It's got to be the thing that makes the wind possible, which perhaps I would call real, the maker of this reality and experience. And that's us. You and I are the experiencer and the experience. I suspect Grandma knows a lot about that right now.