
The photo is of Pebbles and Girty doing some sparring. It's something initiated by the younger Pebbles, who seems a ready instigator. She keeps things lively, as there's always something interesting to observe in this pack with her around.
A few years back when I lived in Ohio, I took a Saturday training on leadership through observation of and working with a small herd of horses who were now serving mostly in a therapeutic setting, and were all rescues or adoptees. Observing the herd and seeing the relationships was so fascinating. I'm up early today, but not because there's something unusual about today. This is the standard deal with the pooches. I get up when they wake up and need to move. They go outside, and I sit down and write.
The whole thing cracks me up. My training is kicking in. Canine trainers are the best. Who else could do this so lovingly and patiently? And my four-legged furry felines find faux fighting at five of 3 fun if not frenetic. The kitties, Sparkles and Leo, did some slo=mo kung fu fighting earlier. Sorry to get that stuck in your head. You are welcome.
Everybody here, myself included, is just fighting to figure it all out, in a kind of playful way. Cue the music you'll hear the rest o' the day. Everybody was kung fu fighting, fast as lightning!
Any time you need a farm fix, you come on over!
It is a pleasure knowing you and we are so delighted you have such a grand time petsitting our wild crew!
Thanks also for the amazing pictures. I will treasure them always!!