When I Don't See You

When I don't see you
It doesn't mean you're not there
Like a dark night, a closed door
Inside light doesn't shine out
No cracks under or around
To betray what's within

You are still there on the other side
And sometimes, just a little light
Of you who you are reaches
Simple Awareness that
You were the bird above me
Along the path, the snow, the crunch

You were the cool air
The ache of the muscles after a fall
The warmth of hot cocoa and a healing touch
Fresh water to the face
Joy in a meal among family
Friends celebrating life with laughter

And all of the above
Sum up life one day
And I know you were there
Though I didn't see you.


Did you write this? This is lovely!!
Thank you for sharing!
Yep, Summer, this one is mine!

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