Faith Hope Love

I have writers block. I have blocked myself. Over the last couple weeks I have listened to voices that are not mine, but they are in my head. They stem from a thing called anxiety. What I'm learning is that this thing called anxiety gets in my head when I stop trusting myself and listen to others instead of my own knowing.

Hope comes in this knowing, and it can also be called faith. To know. To know that my father will protect me no matter the cost is a type of faith. To know I will protect my self from all enemies "foreign or domestic," is faith.

To love. To love is to know, is to know and trust yourself. It is yellow sunshine in the middle of harsh, gray winter.

When I let these anxiety voices take charge, I lose my sense of knowing. I don't trust myself. Or perhaps it is really that when I lose faith in me, I then let the voices rule. It's one in the same now. No matter which comes first, this "chicken and egg" already exist. I will stop listening to the voice that tells me other peoples opinions are more important than my own. I will know my own knowing is good and right.

After all, the good and right knowing is the Lord within us. It's the energy from the One that helps us know. I will trust that. It's internal Leadership.


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