Me After Midnight

Zen Master Wentworth, One of My Teachers
I've had one intense day. Four meltdowns dealt with at work, then me to deal with. Lucky for me my co-worker is caring and skilled and that I had Molly and the cats to come home to tonight.

Four 12-hour work days in a row have me wiped out.  Some dark days for mood also have made me all the more wiped. Being seasonally affected, I have need to be outside enjoying the sun even more during these days. That didn't happen much during my work week, which has an effect on mood. Also, there's been a general lack of exercise for me.

With that hay in the barn, I say that my writing has had to wait, as well. It's what has gone on, or not gone on to get me here. Trying to please everyone, realizing I can't, taking my work home with me or at least residual energy from it - these all contribute to this mood, and mode of writing.

And Wentworth has been incessantly asking to go outside, though it's cold and dark and I don't want to let him out. I look at this all and find myself smiling and laughing quietly to myself. So, this is life? Whatever it is now, I can take credit for Co-Creating.

Ahh, yes, that's it. Non-judgement of what is before me. This is Where I Am. I co-created it, so I should congratulate myself. And then go make some more choices. Whee! I guess sleep is the next choice.


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