Bring the Cookies

Looks can be deceptive. Looking at this picture, one might think there was this much snow covering the ground in our area. The reality has been different, though, outside of Great Bear Ski Valley, in Sioux Falls, SD. The area has seen many sunny days above 32 F. which has melted most of our snow. But, Great Bear is "the little hill that could" when it comes to snow making, hence enough snow remains for us to play.

You may have noticed that my blog writing has greatly slowed. I see at least one main cause, and it has to do with desire. My desire to write has really dropped off, and it shows. The drop-off has led me to ponder it a bit. What's up with the change?

Ego vs Cookies
It's thinking and ego that get in the way of my creativity and desire, and this blog has gotten pretty "thinky", I admit. So what I try to pass as spirituality, and what I claim as my divine birthright, is really just a lot of thinking. It's ego, and it's stuck-ness that come out. It's happening again.

What I desire is true joy in writing and life. So it's just got to be let go. Whatever it is, it's got to be loosed. Let'r buck. It's not mine, anyway. It's God's to give, not mine to control. That's a relief. It's humbling to think God could flow through these hands, but that's the great thing about it. That's what we're called to as Spirits living out a Human experience - bringing Love to the world.

I've tried to take credit for talents given to me, for creativity that is not mine and it's just not right. Surely I have a part to play, and when it comes to creativity, I need to get out of the way and let Love flow through.

It's like the kid who brings mom's cookies to school for her birthday - she is just bringing the cookies Mom made. She knows very well who to thank. I sure do love Mom's cookies, and I think the world could love them, too.


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