"The Return" - a story in celebration of Leap Day

He stepped down into the visible world. To the unknowing observer, you would say he dropped from heaven, an angel, or was a ghost crossing from the other side to speak words of warning or the opposite, to tell us everything is okay, that grandpa is there with grandma.
Last time he had stepped onto Mother Gaia he was 18 years old, a mere pup. Since then he had been on the ships, serving in various capacities and in various Sol Systems. His favorites would be hard to gauge, but for shear beauty, being invited to the Pleiades system and seeing the Great Purple Lodge from the ship had to be on the list.
That's not to mention the obvious, the first time he saw our blue-green beauty through the floor of the first ship he left home upon. Seeing our Great Mother's body, knowing the success of pure water for all, of the great abundance Gaia's children were experiencing and how pure each conscious breath could be on her face.
And that now all Mother Earth's children were connected, one people, a Galactic, Cosmic Society. We had become Trekkies, trekkers of the MultiVerse.
He had done and been what he had hoped to be and do. And he now came back home to transition. 800 odd years later, he stepped onto Medicine Butte, quest completed. He vanished again. Now he was the wind.

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Dear Friends,
I wrote the above fiction to celebrate Leap Day - to celebrate the Leaps we as humans are capable of and will experience. You may not know it or believe it, but I believe we are not that far away from this society. We will have to get there together, or not at all.

We WILL get there. Together.

Thanks for reading,



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