This Week at Camp - Dynamite

It's been another busy week here at Camp Templed Hills. We had two more groups in. One was from Stow, OH, next to Kent, OH, and another was from Pickerington which is part of the Columbus area. Both groups were high energy, as usual.

I start each week nervous about them getting here. It's like a game day in sports for me. What children bring this place is dynamite. Sounds echo around camp throughout the day which go beyond natural. Their energy changes the place. I view the buses coming down the drive as a lit fuse. Once the children step off the bus, it's like dynamite going off, ripping this place end to end, side to side, sending ash rising into the sun with bits of burnt paper carried on the smoking, hot wind.

And then the weekend comes, and I am left to figure out what happened. I rest. Breathing becomes a focus again. Emotions that were stuffed during the week or thoughts waiting to be thought have time to rise from the embers still smoldering. And like a phoenix, they do rise again. Camp is created anew. Thoughts once thought create the place for the coming week. Buildings are restored. And we wait again Monday morning for the next fuse to be lit.


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