My favorite escape - the sky.

Dear Friends,

Work has been consuming my life lately. Ah, this college life...I guess it's my life for right now. College is the closest approximation I can find to this life. I have roommates, I have an over abundance of "work" to do, I live on "campus" and I'm playing lots of cards on our little breaks.

One example of the work part that feels like college is the constant preparing. When I teach new classes, which lately has been on a regular basis, I have to prepare extra. I've not done a good job with some classes because I did not prepare well enough in advance. That's frustrating for me, but obviously I can change that. I have weekends to work on classes, but for some reason other things become more important, and oops, class is upon me and only 15 minutes remain to prepare. I guess I'm learning an important lesson about preparation for whatever I do.

I know why I don't get prepared, though, and it's because I just want to blow things off on the weekend. Overall, I'm enjoying my life here. I love to entertain the kids, to lead songs, to get them all fired up and having fun. There's nothing better for me than to know that I helped them laugh and have a good time and that I think they think I'm funny, and goofy, and cool. True confessions of a camp leader - I want to think they think I am cool. I want to think they think I am funny. And Goofy, too. So maybe I could just think that on my own!

Okay, off to breakfast.


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